I have been using self-portrait photography as an art form and as a means to self-examination, empowerment and healing for over twenty years. In addition to being a photographer, I have a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology and Feminist Therapy and have used self-portrait photography as a form of therapy with women.
The photographs in Mementomori, although they are not self-portraits, are pieces of myself. The word mementomori means, literally, a reminder of death. This series of images is a study of grief. The human figure merges with objects from the natural world to create a hybrid reality in which instinct and emotion unite. Each photograph is unearthed from the subconscious of existential longing and collective mourning.
We the People
The photographic images in the series We the People were created in the darkroom through conventional silver gelatin printing and sepia toning. I photographed replicas of the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence and sandwiched those negatives with negatives of emotionally charged figurative images.
Taking Liberty
Taking Liberty is a series of black and white photographic self-portraits inspired by a post 9/11 period of self-reflection. It is not a statement about the politics of the war or religion but an open-ended question addressing the issues of personal freedom and identity.
I struggle to reconcile my own grief and despair about war, extinction and environmental degradation with my faith in the natural cycles of birth, death and regeneration. What emerge are photographic images that are stark and seductive, that affects the viewer on a visual and visceral level, a distillation of opposites, a poetry of paradox.
Being a cancer patient is alot like being a sexual object, both roles are disempowering. You are an object and your real identity is forgotten or ignored.